Posts Tagged ‘Air Conditioning’

Time to Winterize Your Air Conditioner

Monday, September 26th, 2016

Fall has arrived in Beaverton, OR, and soon your air conditioner will no longer be needed until next spring. But that doesn’t mean you can simply ignore it until you need it again. The snow will fall soon enough, and months of non-use can add up to a lot of wear and tear if you aren’t careful. Winterizing your air conditioner when the time comes will help keep it safe from damage or wear until you have need of it again. It’s easy to do and won’t take more than a few hours, though you should wait until you’re sure there won’t be any unexpected heat waves until next spring to begin to do so. (more…)

Now is the Time to Decide if You Need a New Air Conditioner

Monday, August 22nd, 2016

August is the ideal time to perform a long, hard assessment of your older air conditioner and make a decision about its future. Summer has been running at a high clip for the last few months here in Oregon City, OR and while Labor Day is right around the corner, there’re still a few more weeks of hot weather to endure before things start to cool down. Your air conditioner has likely had to handle the heat on a daily basis, and if its warranty has expired, it may be showing signs of strain. An assessment now lets you determine if your system can go another few summer as-is, or whether it should be replaced before next summer rolls around. That gives you the entirety of the fall and winter to find the best replacement system for you home and schedule an installation according to your timetable, instead of rushing around when the system finally gives up the ghost unexpectedly.  (more…)

Stay Cool When Your AC Breaks Down

Monday, August 8th, 2016

Hot summers are par for the course in Wilsonville, OR, and a reliable air conditioner can be your best friend when it comes to keeping your home cool and comfortable. No one likes to think about unexpected breakdowns and with regular servicing you can keep such risks to a minimum, but sooner or later, most systems suffer an unexpected shutdown. Once you’ve determined that the problem can’t be fixed by troubleshooting (say by checking the breaker box to see if the circuit break has been triggered), you need to shut off the system and call in a qualified air conditioning repair service. While you wait for them to arrive, it’s very important to stay as cool as you can. High heat is nothing to toy with, and these steps will help ensure you can wait it out as painlessly as possible. (more…)

What Kinds of Households Benefit from Ductless Air Conditioners?

Monday, July 25th, 2016

Ductless air conditioners stand as a viable alternative to traditional centralized models, and offer some unique advantages that more traditional forms of air conditioning don’t. They eschew the single unit model in favor of installing multiple smaller units throughout the building. Each unit is tasked with cooling a single section of the house, usually just one room, but sometimes more depending on your layout. It costs more to install, but can often be less expensive to run, and provides additional benefits that offset the cost. But is your Oregon City, OR home the best fit for such a system, or would traditional central air be best? Here’s a quick breakdown of the kinds of households that benefit from ductless air conditioners. (more…)

3 Things to Think About with a New Air Conditioner

Monday, July 11th, 2016

If you’re thinking about getting a new air conditioner, now is the time to act. A new air conditioner can be in place very quickly, allowing you to enjoy the benefits of improved efficiency and similar features in the face of our hot Portland, OR summer. But before you can have a new unit installed, you need to make sure that it meets the needs of your home and family, that it  will function as it should and that it will last as long as possible (hopefully decades) before you need to install a new one. In order to do that, you need to keep certain things in mind when making your selection. Here are 3 of them for you to think about: (more…)

Signs of Fan Motor Problems with Your AC

Monday, July 4th, 2016

With summer in full gear here in Wilsonville, OR, you need to be extra vigilant to detect any potential problems with your air conditioner. A sudden breakdown could leave you in the lurch just when the temperatures are really soaring, and in many cases, that could prove a health risk as well as any other concerns. The more you know about potential problems with your AC, the more quickly you can respond. (more…)

Use Your Air Conditioner Wisely

Monday, June 20th, 2016

Your air conditioner is one of the most important appliances in your household, especially with summer on the way here in Beaverton, OR. And just like any appliance, you need to use it wisely in order to keep it efficient and functional. You wouldn’t put laundry detergent in your dishwasher, for example, or leave your TV on all day when there’s no one home. So it is with your air conditioner. The more wisely you can use it, the more money you’ll save, and the less chance of a breakdown or similar problem afflicting it. Here’s a few easy tips to help you use your air conditioner wisely. (more…)

What Are the Advantages of a Maintenance Plan?

Monday, June 6th, 2016

Spring is rapidly turning into summer here in Tualatin, OR, and this is the time of the year that we strongly recommend an air conditioning maintenance session delivered by one of our trained technicians. They’re not quite the same as a repair session, which is designed to fix a specific problem. Instead, they check for any potential problems that may be brewing, as well as taking care of little servicing duties like changing the filters and tightening loose bolts and screws. That may not sound like much and the notion of an added expense might not sit well with homeowners already braced for the higher bills of summer. But there are considerable benefits to doing so, with both short-term and long-term implications for your system.  (more…)

Signs that Your Refrigerant is Running Low

Monday, May 30th, 2016

The refrigerant levels in your air conditioning system shouldn’t go down. They’re supposed to exist in a closed loop, and your air conditioner needs a specific type and amount — determined by make and model — in order to cool your air effectively. But we live in an imperfect world, and leaks tend to spring up from time to time. When your refrigerant runs low, your air conditioner loses a lot of its cooling power, running for longer periods of time to do the job and raising your bills accordingly. (more…)

Don’t Fall for These Air Conditioning Misconceptions

Monday, May 9th, 2016

Portland, OR gets hot in the summer, and that means you’ll be running your air conditioner pretty much every day to keep cool. That process can be hindered by numerous misconceptions about how air conditioning works, which can end up costing you a great deal in wasted energy if you’re not careful. Clearing up those misconceptions is an ideal way to save money  on your air conditioning bills this summer, as well as reducing the overall wear and tear on the system. Here’s a quick breakdown of some of the more common fallacies out there and what you can do to combat them. (more…)