Posts Tagged ‘Milwaukie’

Is Now the Time for an AC Replacement or Does Your Unit Still Have Life Left?

Monday, May 20th, 2024

When it comes to your air conditioner, there are a few key signs that can indicate it’s time for an upgrade. When your air conditioner displays any or all of the signs, it’s time to begin deciding what type of replacement you want to invest in.

If you suspect that you need AC replacement in Milwaukee, give our team a call to schedule your in-home assessment. We can talk to you about your options and help you identify whether or not it is indeed time for a replacement. You can also keep reading to learn more about the signs that can mean your air conditioner is reaching the end of its life and needs to be upgraded.


Do I Need Both Air Filters and Air Purifiers?

Monday, February 26th, 2024

If you’ve heard of a whole-house air purifier, you may be wondering if one is necessary for your home. After all, your home’s HVAC system has an air filter in place to help capture dust and dirt. Is an air purifier really necessary for better indoor air quality?

The short answer is yes, and we can explain why. Just give our team a call to learn more about installing an air purifier in Milwaukie, OR. You can also keep reading to learn more about the benefits of an air purifier and how one of these systems is different from the air filter on your HVAC system.


The Worrisome Truth About A Cracked Heat Exchanger

Monday, October 24th, 2022

If you have a furnace in your home, you are likely going to be increasing your use of this system in the coming weeks. We’ve seen more warm weather than usual for this time of year, but we all know that when things take a dip the temperature is going to get cold fast.

With this in mind, it makes sense that you’d want any furnace repair in Milwaukie, OR to be taken care of promptly. We agree wholeheartedly, not just because it helps you stay more comfortable but also because it can help keep you safer too.

If you are one of the many in the area with a gas-powered furnace, a specific system issue can be a safety hazard: a cracked heat exchanger. Here’s what you need to know.


Don’t Forget To Change Your Filter

Monday, February 14th, 2022

air-filterWe are in the middle of the cold season and that means we are all relying heavily on our heaters. So it makes sense that you’d want your heater to last for as long as possible without any trouble.

The need for a heating repair in Milwaukie, OR is common around this time of year. We are here to help if you need assistance getting your heater back in working order! But we are also here to help you avoid those repairs if possible.

Did you know that there is one easy task that can help you reduce your repair needs? It’s regular filter changes! Don’t believe us? Read on to discover how this helps.


6 Problems Your Heater Might Have

Monday, November 22nd, 2021

furnace-inspectionYou deserve to be able to rely on your heating system when temperatures get too cold for comfort. The truth is though, your heater may not be up to the task of keeping you warm right now. This is because you might need to schedule a heating repair in Milwaukie, OR.

This shouldn’t be too much of a shock. Over the course of a heating system’s lifespan, there will be a need for repairs now and then. If you are curious about what might be causing problems within your system, we have some answers below. We also have the services that will get your system back in working order in no time.


The Time for Heating Maintenance Is Now

Monday, October 26th, 2020

The fall season is here and many of us are excitedly decorating and preparing our homes for Halloween and the holidays that are soon to follow. We are also getting ready for chillier temperatures and the opportunities it brings to settle in with a good TV show, a hot cup of tea, and a cozy blanket. However you are preparing for this season, there is one thing that you shouldn’t forget to take care of: heating system maintenance.

Maintenance that is performed by an HVAC contractor in Milwaukie, OR can often be what makes or breaks your comfort this season and beyond. That is why now is the best time to get this service taken care of. After all, who doesn’t appreciate the great benefits that a tune-up provides?


Why You Need Professional AC Installation

Monday, September 28th, 2020


As we’ve seen over the past week or two, our weather can be pretty wild at times. Having a reliable air conditioner in your home is going to be a great help in ensuring that you stay comfortable during any surprise heatwaves that might come our way even as the summer ends. If you need a new system in your home, it will make things a lot easier to schedule a professional air conditioning installation in Milwaukie, OR.

We want to make sure that you know how important it is that you have a professional be the one to perform your system installation. A pro will know exactly how to install your system so that it can start out on the right foot.


Save Money With a Ductless Heat Pump

Monday, July 23rd, 2018

ductless-heat-pump-floor-unitHeat pumps are all the rage, lately. However, you may have heard that they’re one of the more expensive units upfront. This can be a big turn off for many people with a budget. In actuality, budget-minded people should be more enthusiastic about a ductless heat pump. Why?

They’re actually far more efficient than central air conditioners, capable of saving more money in the long-run. In this post, we’ll show you a few of those reasons.


Signs that Your Refrigerant is Running Low

Monday, May 30th, 2016

The refrigerant levels in your air conditioning system shouldn’t go down. They’re supposed to exist in a closed loop, and your air conditioner needs a specific type and amount — determined by make and model — in order to cool your air effectively. But we live in an imperfect world, and leaks tend to spring up from time to time. When your refrigerant runs low, your air conditioner loses a lot of its cooling power, running for longer periods of time to do the job and raising your bills accordingly. (more…)

Does Your Air Conditioner Need to Be Replaced?

Monday, March 28th, 2016

Spring is here, and summer will be along before you know it. Here in Milwaukie, OR, that means you should give your air conditioner a thorough look and determine whether it needs any help before temperatures get too high. If you have an older air conditioner that’s having problems, you may be wondering if you should replace it with a new one, or simply fix it up as best you can and power through another summer or two with it. A good technician can provide advice, but only you can determine when your air conditioner is ready to be put out to pasture. We used three general guidelines to help homeowners make that determination. (more…)