Archive for December, 2018

Winter Is Here, It’s Time for Duct Cleaning

Monday, December 24th, 2018

ductcleaning-before-afterWe’ve just officially entered winter. We know you’d much rather be thinking about the holidays and family, but there’s one thing you need to get out of the way. Take care of it now and you won’t have to worry about it later:

Duct cleaning.

Although you can get duct cleaning any time of year, we find it especially beneficial to have it done in winter (and preferably before winter).


Consider a High Velocity Heating System for Your Home

Monday, December 10th, 2018

man-stays-warmThe most common heating options for homes consist of heat pumps and furnaces. But the “common” doesn’t account for every type of home! For smaller or older homes, those types of heaters just aren’t possible.

In comes the high-velocity heating system. Not only are these systems great for traditional homes, but they’re also actually growing in popularity due to the benefits of their unique features. Of course, only qualified heating experts in Portland, OR can install them. Let’s look a bit closer into these systems to see what makes them so different.
