Archive for February, 2022

5 Signs You Need Repairs For Your Furnace

Monday, February 28th, 2022

heating-installation-servicesEnjoying some relaxation inside a warm home on a cold day is a great feeling. Your furnace works hard to make sure that you can achieve this comfortable environment. If your furnace begins to struggle though, you are going to find yourself having trouble keeping warm.

Issues with your furnace shouldn’t be ignored. They aren’t going to improve on their own. This is why we want you to know we are here to help. Here are some possible warning signs that you need furnace repair in Gresham, OR so you know when to reach out for prompt service.


Don’t Forget To Change Your Filter

Monday, February 14th, 2022

air-filterWe are in the middle of the cold season and that means we are all relying heavily on our heaters. So it makes sense that you’d want your heater to last for as long as possible without any trouble.

The need for a heating repair in Milwaukie, OR is common around this time of year. We are here to help if you need assistance getting your heater back in working order! But we are also here to help you avoid those repairs if possible.

Did you know that there is one easy task that can help you reduce your repair needs? It’s regular filter changes! Don’t believe us? Read on to discover how this helps.
