The Clean Air Act Blog: Archive for April, 2017

Frost on The Coils Spells Trouble for your AC

Monday, April 17th, 2017

ice-on-acYou may have spotted frost on the coils of your air conditioner before while giving the system a look. Most people don’t think much of it. It seems quite logical, after all, since air conditioners are supposed to cool the air. Unfortunately, the presence of frost or ice on the coils is the symptom of a much larger problem that could come back to bite you if you let it. With summer on its way and your air conditioning system called upon increasingly often, now is the time to address this significant problem with your AC.

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Improve Air Conditioning Efficiency This Summer

Monday, April 3rd, 2017

You’re likely going to be using your air conditioner pretty soon and, as the weather continues to get warmer, you’ll be called upon to use it more and more until it becomes a daily exercise. You’re going to need to spend more on monthly cooling bills by default when running the system so often. But take care that the need for increased air conditioner use doesn’t make you pay more than you should for the privilege. By improving your air conditioner’s efficiency this summer, you can help lower those bills and get a handle on the wear-and-tear that hot weather inflicts on your system.

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