Archive for April, 2020

Choosing Between a Heat Pump and Central AC

Monday, April 27th, 2020

Spring is here and with how quickly time seems to pass summer is probably just around the corner. This means you are going to be starting to use your air conditioning system a lot more often. Of course, if you are going to be using your AC system, it means it is going to be important to have a working AC.

Think back to the end of last summer and ask yourself how well your system was operating. Was it doing well, or was it faltering a bit? Or was it barely functioning? If you are leaning on that third option, it means it is likely that you are going to be in the market for an AC replacement. If you are in need of a replacement system, it helps to know what your options are for your next AC.


The Importance of AC Maintenance Services

Monday, April 13th, 2020

ac-technicianWe may not be seeing a whole lot of warmth right now, or at all, but this doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t be making sure that your air conditioner is ready for summer. Getting this done in spring is a great idea since it means you’ll avoid any interruptions in service when things do heat up.

If you haven’t scheduled your maintenance appointment for your air conditioner just yet, we encourage you to do so soon. While some people might not think it is worth their time, we can assure you that maintenance is going to make a huge impact on your comfort and your cash flow when it comes down to the wire this summer.

If your curious as to why, we can break it down for you.
