We’ve officially arrived at the end of summer, with accompanying cooler weather and a reduced workload for your air conditioner. Older systems that have labored over the summer will finally see less use, which means that now is the perfect time to schedule a repair call to address any lingering problems that may have affected it over the summer. But what if repairs aren’t the best option? For older air conditioners, it might be a better idea to replace them instead rather than pay for repairs and force them through another hot season next year. (more…)
Archive for September, 2017
Air Conditioning Repair Calls May Need to Replace Your System Instead
Monday, September 18th, 2017What to Look for in AC Repair Services
Monday, September 4th, 2017Late summer sees an uptick in air conditioning repair calls, as problems get worse under months of daily use and with weeks of warm weather still to come. If you’ve been putting off an issue with your air conditioner until the end of summer, or your experience an unexpected problem with your air conditioner at the end of the season, you need to schedule a repair service as quickly as possible. (more…)
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