Archive for April, 2022

4 Reasons To Book AC Maintenance Now

Monday, April 25th, 2022

ac-technicianWe know that Oregon enjoys keeping cool weather around for a while. That said, we are starting to see the hints of warmer weather to come. It may be a while until we need to run an air conditioner, but even so, it is a great idea to get AC maintenance in Portland, OR taken care of now.

Maintenance is highly important to the overall operation of your air conditioner when warmer temperatures hit. If you haven’t gotten your tune-up taken care of yet, now is a great time to get this service done. Read on to learn why maintenance is a great way to get the most from your AC for the lowest price.


Battle Spring Allergies With Our Help

Monday, April 11th, 2022

spring-flowersPeople with allergies experience spring differently from the rest of us. While we visually enjoy the blooming plants and warmer temperatures, someone with allergies faces the challenge of managing a lot of triggers that might set them off. And there is nothing that can ruin a picnic so quickly as an allergy attack. (Ants are close.)

But it isn’t just the outdoor world that can present a problem for your respiratory system. Did you know that the air quality in the modern home can often be worse than the air outside? This is because all the dust, pollen, and debris that gets into the house often stays there. Thankfully, there are ways to solve this problem.

Here are some of the ways our team can help you battle your allergies and achieve better indoor air quality this year.
