The Clean Air Act Blog: Archive for August, 2022

Best Practices For Using Your Thermostat

Monday, August 15th, 2022

air-conditioning-serviceYour thermostat is the translator between you and your AC unit. You let the thermostat know what temperature you want the house to be and then the temperature translates those commands to your air conditioner so it can get to work.

It makes sense that you’d want to know how to use the thermostat in a smart way so that you can get the best effectiveness and efficiency from your air conditioning in Portland, OR. But is there really a “best” way to use your thermostat? We’d say there is.

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3 Signs Your AC Needs Repairs Quickly

Monday, August 1st, 2022

air-conditioning-repairNo problem in your air conditioner should ever be allowed to go unaddressed for long. If there is an issue in your system, leaving it will only allow it to escalate until it creates a full breakdown. With all that said, there are some repair needs that may be a bit more serious than others. These are the ones you want to make sure to address fast.

Be on the lookout for these issues and, if they pop up, reach out to get an air conditioning repair in Oregon City, OR as quickly as you can. Otherwise, you may find yourself in need of a system replacement far earlier than expected!

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