The Clean Air Act Blog: Archive for November, 2020

5 Tips To Get Your Home Ready For the Holidays

Monday, November 23rd, 2020

The holiday season this year is likely to be quite different than expected. But that doesn’t mean you don’t want to be prepared. The holidays can still be a bit of a stressful time and may be even more so now that there are extra safety precautions to consider. We want to help.

Below we’ve listed some tips we hope will help you prep your home for the holidays and any guests who may be able to visit. Our hope is that these tips will help you get some tasks you may not have thought of knocked out ahead of time and will help ensure you enjoy a more comfortable season at home.

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Do You Have a Furnace Problem?

Monday, November 9th, 2020

The Halloween decorations are coming down and the snuggly decor that is meant for fall and winter is being pulled out. We are all preparing to settle in for the coming months of cold, wet weather with the hopes of seeing some of our loved ones in the near future too.

Whether you are spending the next few months with your immediate family or you have loved ones coming from out of town for a long-overdue visit, you’ll want to make sure that your home is as warm and welcoming as possible. To do that, you have to make sure that your furnace is in prime working order. We can help with that by offering expert diagnostics and repairs when issues pop up.

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