The Clean Air Act Blog: Archive for March, 2018

Lower the Chances of Heating Repair with Indoor Air Quality Products

Monday, March 19th, 2018

heating-repair-optionsWe’re coming to the end of heating season here in Oregon, as spring formally arrives and temperatures start to go up along with it. Ironically, heating repair calls are more common now than any other time of the year, as overworked furnaces start to give out. Even if you haven’t suffered a breakdown in your heating system, it’s usually a good idea to schedule a maintenance session as soon as winter ends: giving the technician a chance to look it over for any problems in need of repair.

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Lower Your Heating Bills and Prevent Late Season Repairs

Monday, March 5th, 2018

heating-repair-optionsMost heating repair calls come in the late weeks of winter, when our furnaces and other heating systems have been running steadily for months. All of that strain can take its toll, which is why you should find ways to improve your heating system’s efficiency wherever you can. Not only will a more efficient heater help lower your monthly bills, but it can help prevent those repairs from ever needing to be made.

Some heating efficiency techniques are likely already practiced in your home: setting the thermostat lower than normal, for instance, or wearing warmer clothes indoors. But there are additional steps you can take as well, with the help of a friendly service technician. Here’s a brief list of some options.

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