Archive for December, 2021

What Noises Are Normal For a Heater To Make?

Monday, December 20th, 2021

Have you noticed that running your heater leads to the creation of a lot of noise? That shouldn’t happen. Your heater is designed to keep your home warm without making excessive amounts of noise. It shouldn’t run silently—that’s not possible, to be honest—but it also shouldn’t create concerning sounds. If it does, it means you need to reach out for heating repair in Oregon City, OR.

Knowing this, you may have one of two questions. The first is what noises is a heater NOT supposed to make? The other is what noises are normal for a heater to make? We are happy to answer these questions below and provide any heating repairs you need to get your system running normally again rather than noisily.


Habits To Remember to Improve Your Heater Efficiency

Monday, December 6th, 2021

It is a great feeling to be able to enjoy a warm home on a cold day. However, knowing that your energy bills are going to be through the roof simply from running your heater kind of takes away some of the enjoyment. Thankfully, there are ways to avoid this. 

First of all, scheduling regular heating system maintenance each year will help to ensure that your system keeps up an optimal level of efficiency. Beyond this, there are certainly some best practices that you can and should adopt to get the best level of efficiency from your system.

Let’s explore some of the habits that you can start to use on a regular basis this season for the best level of efficiency and effectiveness from your heater.
