The Clean Air Act Blog: Archive for May, 2017

What Can Ductless Air Conditioning Do for You?

Monday, May 29th, 2017


Spring is the time of the year for replacing an old air conditioner with a new one. Doing so allows you to take advantage of the benefits of the new system – such as improved efficiency and the presence of new features – as well as ensuring that your old system doesn’t decide to give up the ghost during the hottest day of summer.

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3 Signs That You Need a New Air Conditioner

Monday, May 15th, 2017

air-conditioner-replacementAir conditioners can last for many years, especially if you take good care of them with regular maintenance and judicious use. Sooner or later every appliance needs replacing, however, and that holds true for your air conditioner as well. If you’re going to replace it, now is the time, rather than risking a catastrophic breakdown in the middle of summer. But how can you tell if your system is ready to be replaced? Every AC is different of course, and only you can make the final call when it comes to its operating capacity. Generally speaking of course, there are three reliable signs that your system is ready to be replaced with a new one. If yours meets any two of them, you should think about having it put out to pasture before the temperatures get too warm.

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What Causes Low Airflow in Your A/C?

Monday, May 1st, 2017

air-conditioning-fansSpring is here, and with it comes the return of warm temperatures and the need to run your air conditioner. You’ve probably already done so a number of times and A/C usage is only going to increase as the mercury continues to rise. Now is the ideal time to spot any trouble your system may be experiencing. That gives you time to check for any problems your system may be experiencing, and getting them addressed before the stifling heat of summer arrives.

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