Posts Tagged ‘Air Conditioning’

Are Your Ducts Damaged?

Monday, August 7th, 2017

air-conditioning-ductsCentral air conditioners rely on a series of ducts to take cooled air through your home in the summer. The air is cooled in the AC itself and then blown into the ducts with a fan. That allows the system to circulate the cooled air evenly, ensuring that the entire house is cooled evenly. Ducts are usually protected by their location: behind the walls or in similar spots like the crawlspace in your attic. That can turn around and bite you, however, if your ducts suffer damage. (more…)

High Humidity Can Damage Your AC

Monday, July 24th, 2017

Summers in Oregon are invariably hot, but even worse than the high temperatures are high humidity levels that can turn our homes into steam baths. Air conditioners can deal with the problem somewhat, but they aren’t built to lower the humidity, only the temperature. Furthermore, high humidity can damage your AC as it tries to deal with the issue, as well as leaving your home muggy and uncomfortable in the extreme. That’s the bad news. The good news is that there’s an effective way to deal with it: whole-house dehumidifiers. (more…)

Don’t Just Sit on Air Conditioning Issues

Monday, July 10th, 2017

air-conditioning-serviceSummer is here, and with the high temperatures and higher humidity of the season comes increased demand on your air conditioner. You need yours to respond with reliable service for days (and often) weeks on end. In that environment, even a little issue can turn into a big problem very quickly, and the longer you wait to take care of an issue, the greater the chances of it costing more than you’d like to pay. (more…)

UV Lights Make Your Home Healthier

Monday, June 26th, 2017

UV-air-purifiersSummers in Oregon mean stifling humidity, allergens, and spreading bacteria, as well as high temperatures. That can cause significant problems in your household, from germs spreading to illnesses in sensitive family members. Luckily, there are solutions to such issues, and with the right team on your side, you can get them implemented now, before we get too much further into summer(more…)

What Can Ductless Air Conditioning Do for You?

Monday, May 29th, 2017


Spring is the time of the year for replacing an old air conditioner with a new one. Doing so allows you to take advantage of the benefits of the new system – such as improved efficiency and the presence of new features – as well as ensuring that your old system doesn’t decide to give up the ghost during the hottest day of summer. (more…)

3 Signs That You Need a New Air Conditioner

Monday, May 15th, 2017

air-conditioner-replacementAir conditioners can last for many years, especially if you take good care of them with regular maintenance and judicious use. Sooner or later every appliance needs replacing, however, and that holds true for your air conditioner as well. If you’re going to replace it, now is the time, rather than risking a catastrophic breakdown in the middle of summer. But how can you tell if your system is ready to be replaced? Every AC is different of course, and only you can make the final call when it comes to its operating capacity. Generally speaking of course, there are three reliable signs that your system is ready to be replaced with a new one. If yours meets any two of them, you should think about having it put out to pasture before the temperatures get too warm. (more…)

What Causes Low Airflow in Your A/C?

Monday, May 1st, 2017

air-conditioning-fansSpring is here, and with it comes the return of warm temperatures and the need to run your air conditioner. You’ve probably already done so a number of times and A/C usage is only going to increase as the mercury continues to rise. Now is the ideal time to spot any trouble your system may be experiencing. That gives you time to check for any problems your system may be experiencing, and getting them addressed before the stifling heat of summer arrives. (more…)

Frost on The Coils Spells Trouble for your AC

Monday, April 17th, 2017

ice-on-acYou may have spotted frost on the coils of your air conditioner before while giving the system a look. Most people don’t think much of it. It seems quite logical, after all, since air conditioners are supposed to cool the air. Unfortunately, the presence of frost or ice on the coils is the symptom of a much larger problem that could come back to bite you if you let it. With summer on its way and your air conditioning system called upon increasingly often, now is the time to address this significant problem with your AC. (more…)

Improve Air Conditioning Efficiency This Summer

Monday, April 3rd, 2017

You’re likely going to be using your air conditioner pretty soon and, as the weather continues to get warmer, you’ll be called upon to use it more and more until it becomes a daily exercise. You’re going to need to spend more on monthly cooling bills by default when running the system so often. But take care that the need for increased air conditioner use doesn’t make you pay more than you should for the privilege. By improving your air conditioner’s efficiency this summer, you can help lower those bills and get a handle on the wear-and-tear that hot weather inflicts on your system. (more…)

Get Your Air Conditioner Checked Today

Friday, March 17th, 2017

Spring has officially arrived, and with the change in season comes the expected rise in temperatures. Before you know it, you’ll be using your air conditioner every day to keep your home cool, and if there’s a problem, now is the time to deal with it. Few things are less welcome than a sudden breakdown in the middle of a scorching hot day, and in many cases. You can prevent such an occurrence simply by scheduling a maintenance session from a trained technician today. (more…)