Archive for March, 2023

Tips For Turning Off Your Gas-Powered Furnace

Monday, March 27th, 2023

As the temperature is warm up, you’re probably thinking more about your air conditioner and less about your furnace. But, your furnace still needs attention as the heating season winds down.

If you have a gas powered furnace, you want to make sure that it gets shut down the correct way in spring so that it’s in best condition when you turn it on again in the fall.

If you’ve never shut your furnace down for the spring season, it’s not too late to start. And if in doing so you notice anything about your furnace that concerns you, you may want to invest in furnace repair in Portland, OR, before heading into spring. You can keep reading to learn more about how to turn off your gas powered furnace for the spring. 


6 Signs Your Heater Needs Repairs

Monday, March 13th, 2023

You definitely don’t want your week or month ruined by a failing heater. That’s why we want to encourage you to follow your gut instinct to get ahead of trouble.

One of the best ways to prevent trouble is through expert maintenance. This allows one of our technicians to check out your system and address issues before they escalate.

Not every problem will be preventable. At some point or another, you’ll need to schedule a heater repair in Beaverton, OR. Here’s how to tell it is time to make the call.
