The Clean Air Act Blog: Archive for February, 2018

Replace Old Heating Systems Quickly

Monday, February 19th, 2018

heater-repair-serviceOlder heating systems can be put to the test whenever the winter weather gets cold. And as much as we might like them to last throughout the winter, not all of them have it in them. And when your heating system is ready to be turned in for something new, you need to make the replacement quickly, lest your home be without heat and turn into an icebox as a result. How can you recognize when a heater is having problems, and what should you keep in mind as you go about getting it replaced? The more you know, the faster it will be to act.

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Call Professionals to Deal with a Cracked Heat Exchanger

Monday, February 5th, 2018

new-heating-systemWinter is the time of year that your forced-air furnace sees daily activity, for obvious reasons. And if you have an older furnace, you need to keep a close watch on it to see if it suffers any serious damage. In particular, look for a cracked heat exchanger, which usually results in a complete shutdown of the system. The good news there is that it’s easy to spot the problem. The bad news is that it can often mean something serious, such as a cracked heat exchanger. In such circumstances, it’s vital that you call a furnace repair service immediately.

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