Posts Tagged ‘Beaverton’

Tips for Maximizing AC Efficiency

Monday, June 17th, 2024

Did you know that air conditioners tend to lose some of their efficiency as they age? But when you keep up with regular maintenance and use your unit wisely, you can help your air conditioner maintain higher levels of efficiency, both now and in the future.

We have some tips for boosting AC efficiency this summer so that your energy bills are lower. The same tips will help to lessen the wear on your unit over its lifespan so that you have a better chance of maintaining strong energy efficiency for years to come. When you do notice problems with your air conditioner, give us a call to schedule service for air conditioning in Beaverton.


Scheduling Professional Air Conditioning Maintenance: What to Expect

Monday, June 5th, 2023

If you’re not familiar with air conditioning maintenance, you may wonder what to expect during your first scheduled appointment. AC maintenance in Beaverton, OR is a great way to care for your air conditioner so that it can last for much longer than the average lifespan and be more energy efficient.

Call us anytime to schedule your AC maintenance appointment. In the meantime, keep reading to learn more about what to expect during AC maintenance so that you are prepared. Even though there’s nothing you have to do to get ready for our visit, it’s always nice to know what to expect. 


6 Signs Your Heater Needs Repairs

Monday, March 13th, 2023

You definitely don’t want your week or month ruined by a failing heater. That’s why we want to encourage you to follow your gut instinct to get ahead of trouble.

One of the best ways to prevent trouble is through expert maintenance. This allows one of our technicians to check out your system and address issues before they escalate.

Not every problem will be preventable. At some point or another, you’ll need to schedule a heater repair in Beaverton, OR. Here’s how to tell it is time to make the call.


Show Your Furnace Some Love With Expert Service

Monday, February 13th, 2023

We have certainly seen some drastic weather this season. It put everyone’s heaters to the test. After the extreme cold we experienced, your furnace may be feeling the hurt. Now is an ideal time to get your system checked out. After a period of more intense heating, your system may need a professional furnace repair in Beaverton, OR to keep it going.

You love when your furnace works the way it is supposed to. We’ll explain if and when you should schedule repairs to keep your system running the way you want.


 4 Reasons to Install a Ductless AC

Monday, June 20th, 2022

ductless-heat-pumpNew technology has allowed more people to be able to consider the possibility of getting real temperature control in their homes. In previous years, anyone in a home that couldn’t support ductwork either had to make do with fans or window air conditioners. Now, these same individuals have a new, better option: a ductless AC.

If you haven’t considered a ductless air conditioning installation in Beaverton, OR before now, it may be a good idea to do so. These systems offer home comfort opportunities that may have seemed impossible before now. Read on to learn more and see how you can cool your home off this summer—with or without ducts!


5 Heating Systems You Can Choose From

Monday, November 8th, 2021

checklist-with-red-markerMaybe your heater is on its last legs and you’re starting to explore your replacement options, and that’s what brought you to this post. There are a lot of options to consider! We can’t tell you which one is the right choice for you in a blog post without hearing about your specific circumstances or seeing your living space. But what we can do is inform you of your choices, and another thing we can tell you with certainty is that when you need quality, professional Beaverton, OR heating services, you needn’t look any further than The Clean Air Act!

Read on as we uncover five heating systems you can choose from.


7 Ways to Enjoy Better AC Efficiency

Monday, August 16th, 2021

There is always room to improve our habits and a reason to improve our home efficiency. Even if you have a highly efficient AC system, there are things that you can do to help improve the efficiency of your system and your home overall. You deserve to enjoy an efficient AC that can cool your home reliably without creating huge energy bills or burning itself out early. We want to give you some tips to help you achieve that balance.


How to Tell if Your Furnace Needs Repairs

Monday, March 29th, 2021

A broken-down furnace is the last thing you need on a cold winter morning. The InterNACHI’s Standard Estimated Life Expectancy Chart for Homes states that a furnace has an estimated life of 15–25 years. If the furnace is nearing that age range, it might need to be repaired. Meanwhile, the following are a few signs to tell if your furnace needs repairs:  (more…)

Don’t Ignore a Noisy Furnace

Monday, January 18th, 2021

We’ve all heard the horror stories of someone’s house going up in flames thanks to an old furnace becoming a fire risk. We want to give you some reassurance here. These instances involve systems that are in serious disrepair even need to just be replaced. Furnaces don’t just set things on fire out of nowhere. Gas-burning systems are built to be as safe as possible. They should remain safe to use too as long as you are on top of scheduling furnace service in Beaverton, OR.

You may be wondering what some of the earlier signs of furnace trouble are. How do you know when to schedule service long before things take a turn for the worse? Listen to your system! No, we don’t mean to try to get your furnace to talk. We mean listen to the sounds it makes when it runs.


Start the Year Off With These 5 New Heating Habits

Monday, January 4th, 2021

boy-relaxing-on-floorIt’s a New Year and that means starting things off with the best of intentions to fulfill goals that improve our lives and livelihoods. While that goal to visit the gym every day may prove to be a little tougher to achieve, we want to give you some resolutions to add to your list to improve your approach to your heating in Beaverton, OR. Adding and fulfilling these new heating habits to your list of goals is going to be easier than you may think. This is especially true because the end result is better comfort in your home for a lower cost!
