Posts Tagged ‘Duct Cleaning’

How Dirty Ducts Mess With Your Comfort…And How to Solve the Problem

Monday, December 5th, 2022

No one enjoys spending time in a home that is dusty and dirty. The issue is you can try to keep your home clean, but if your ductwork is dirty, it may be working against you. The rooms you dust may have dusty air that is just mucking them up the instant you turn on your heater. That is a frustrating situation!

If you are battling with dusty air then it may mean it is time to have your ductwork checked. Our team can help to address the following problems and improve your comfort and air quality in the process.


Battle Spring Allergies With Our Help

Monday, April 11th, 2022

spring-flowersPeople with allergies experience spring differently from the rest of us. While we visually enjoy the blooming plants and warmer temperatures, someone with allergies faces the challenge of managing a lot of triggers that might set them off. And there is nothing that can ruin a picnic so quickly as an allergy attack. (Ants are close.)

But it isn’t just the outdoor world that can present a problem for your respiratory system. Did you know that the air quality in the modern home can often be worse than the air outside? This is because all the dust, pollen, and debris that gets into the house often stays there. Thankfully, there are ways to solve this problem.

Here are some of the ways our team can help you battle your allergies and achieve better indoor air quality this year.


Why Duct Cleaning Is Important for Indoor Air Quality

Monday, September 27th, 2021

ductcleaning-before-afterYour ductwork is highly important to the use of your air conditioner and heater. In fact, without it, you wouldn’t be able to enjoy any of the comfortable air these systems produce. But did you know that your ductwork can get dirty?

We’re sure that this concept isn’t a huge surprise. What may be a surprise, however, is the fact that dirty ductwork can actually cause problems for both your indoor air quality and your comfort. When it comes to using your HVAC system with dirty ducts, the dirt really can hurt.

We want you to enjoy optimal comfort this season and beyond. That is why we provide duct cleaning in Portland, OR. Let us tell you a bit more about how dirty ducts can be a problem and when it is time to call in backup to clear them out.


Get You Ducts Cleaned Before Switching On Your Heater

Monday, October 12th, 2020

duct-cleaningIt is finally the fall, which means that we are getting ready for cooler weather and fun activities like Halloween decorating. While you are getting your house ready and dusting off your cold-weather clothing, don’t forget to take your home comfort into account. The factors that provided great comfort to you this last summer may not be in such great condition this season. For example, your ductwork may have become much dirtier than it was in spring, to the point where it can hinder your comfort this season.

You want to keep your home comfortable and clean this season. To do that, you may want to include duct cleaning in Portland, OR as part of your maintenance services this year. Here is why maintenance and duct cleaning serves as a great preparatory combination for your home comfort.


Dusty Ductwork Isn’t Good For Your Comfort

Monday, August 17th, 2020

ductcleaning-before-afterKeeping our houses clean is a task that we all have to work to do. Dusting countertops and furniture, sweeping, vacuuming, and other activities tackle the dirt and debris that we don’t want in our homes. This is going to be a much tougher challenge if you have to choose between having a comfortable house and a clean one.

If the air in your home seems too dusty to properly deal with, it may mean that your ductwork is working against you. Dirty ducts are going to hinder your indoor air quality and your home comfort unless you address them with our Portland duct cleaning.


3 Ways to Improve Your IAQ

Monday, February 17th, 2020


The modern home in Portland is nicely sealed up, allowing it to keep the conditioned air the HVAC system produces flowing inside the house rather than escaping outdoors. This, as you can imagine, has multiple benefits such as better heating power and energy savings. However, a sealed home does have downsides.

As you have probably guessed, with a well sealed home, there is little to no air flow in and out of the house. This is great for your comfort–mostly. The only reason it isn’t perfect is because people enjoy fresh air and, let’s be honest, after a while filtered air can feel too filtered.

Your comfort and your indoor air quality shouldn’t have to do battle. You should be able to enjoy both at once! So when your heating system is running but you feel like you are breathing stale air that makes you question if you’d rather stand outside and shiver, consider these tips to boost your indoor air quality instead of letting your comfort levels take the hit.


Duct Cleaning Can Help Keep You Comfortable

Monday, November 25th, 2019

Inside-an-Air-DuctWhen you run your heater during the cooler months here in Oregon, it is imaginable that you want warm air that is also clean and clear of most dust and debris. However, if you have a ductwork system that hasn’t been cleaned in a good long while, you may have trouble enjoying either warm air or clean air.

Thankfully, this can be addressed with duct cleaning in Beaverton, OR. These services are meant to make sure you get to enjoy a home with a comfortable temperature without having it be plagued by dust. If you aren’t sure whether or not you should opt for duct cleaning services, we may be able to help you.

We have provided some details about how this service helps keep your home clean and enhances your heaters energy efficiency as well.


Fall and Winter Are Great Times for Indoor Air Quality Services

Monday, November 12th, 2018

sick-woman-blowing-noseWith the arrival of the cold season, we have to keep our health in mind. Our body’s immune systems are compromised through this time, and you or your family members could become sick due to indoor air quality issues.

But does this mean that your indoor air quality is getting worse in the cold? Not quite. It could be that you’ve had these air issues all along, and they’re affecting you only now in this cold weather. If this sounds like you or one of your family members, then you can find great relief through maintaining a good indoor air quality.


Indoor Air Quality Improves with Duct Cleaning

Monday, April 30th, 2018

duct-cleaning-servicesSpring is here, and for a lot of homes in the area, that means spring cleaning to shake the dust and the dirt off of your furnishings. But while you focus on getting the bulk of your house clean, there’s often one key part that goes overlooked: your ducts, which carry conditioned air from the heater and the air conditioning system through the various rooms of your house.

Dust and dirt can build up inside your ducts quite readily, and getting rid of it takes more than just running the duster across the vents. How do you get at dust lodged inside your system? The answer is a duct cleaning service from trained professionals. They possess the tools, skills, and experience to clear the dust out of your ducts, and in the process keep your home cleaner and your indoor air quality high. Ideally, you should schedule a duct cleaning session for your home every 2-3 years for ideal results. Here’s a quick look at how the process works. (more…)

Lower Your Heating Bills and Prevent Late Season Repairs

Monday, March 5th, 2018

heating-repair-optionsMost heating repair calls come in the late weeks of winter, when our furnaces and other heating systems have been running steadily for months. All of that strain can take its toll, which is why you should find ways to improve your heating system’s efficiency wherever you can. Not only will a more efficient heater help lower your monthly bills, but it can help prevent those repairs from ever needing to be made.

Some heating efficiency techniques are likely already practiced in your home: setting the thermostat lower than normal, for instance, or wearing warmer clothes indoors. But there are additional steps you can take as well, with the help of a friendly service technician. Here’s a brief list of some options. (more…)