Archive for October, 2020

The Time for Heating Maintenance Is Now

Monday, October 26th, 2020

The fall season is here and many of us are excitedly decorating and preparing our homes for Halloween and the holidays that are soon to follow. We are also getting ready for chillier temperatures and the opportunities it brings to settle in with a good TV show, a hot cup of tea, and a cozy blanket. However you are preparing for this season, there is one thing that you shouldn’t forget to take care of: heating system maintenance.

Maintenance that is performed by an HVAC contractor in Milwaukie, OR can often be what makes or breaks your comfort this season and beyond. That is why now is the best time to get this service taken care of. After all, who doesn’t appreciate the great benefits that a tune-up provides?


Get You Ducts Cleaned Before Switching On Your Heater

Monday, October 12th, 2020

duct-cleaningIt is finally the fall, which means that we are getting ready for cooler weather and fun activities like Halloween decorating. While you are getting your house ready and dusting off your cold-weather clothing, don’t forget to take your home comfort into account. The factors that provided great comfort to you this last summer may not be in such great condition this season. For example, your ductwork may have become much dirtier than it was in spring, to the point where it can hinder your comfort this season.

You want to keep your home comfortable and clean this season. To do that, you may want to include duct cleaning in Portland, OR as part of your maintenance services this year. Here is why maintenance and duct cleaning serves as a great preparatory combination for your home comfort.
