The Clean Air Act Blog: Archive for February, 2020

3 Ways to Improve Your IAQ

Monday, February 17th, 2020


The modern home in Portland is nicely sealed up, allowing it to keep the conditioned air the HVAC system produces flowing inside the house rather than escaping outdoors. This, as you can imagine, has multiple benefits such as better heating power and energy savings. However, a sealed home does have downsides.

As you have probably guessed, with a well sealed home, there is little to no air flow in and out of the house. This is great for your comfort–mostly. The only reason it isn’t perfect is because people enjoy fresh air and, let’s be honest, after a while filtered air can feel too filtered.

Your comfort and your indoor air quality shouldn’t have to do battle. You should be able to enjoy both at once! So when your heating system is running but you feel like you are breathing stale air that makes you question if you’d rather stand outside and shiver, consider these tips to boost your indoor air quality instead of letting your comfort levels take the hit.

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Call For Repairs When…

Monday, February 3rd, 2020

burnersThere are moving boxes everywhere and you have a big task on hand: unpacking. You finally got your first home! Now, while getting things unpacked may keep you warm for a while, you might start noticing that there is a problem after you slow down–your home isn’t very warm even though the heater is running. Is there a problem with your heating system?

All too often we find people wait to call us until their problem is a big one because they aren’t sure what indicators to look for that tell them it is time for repairs. We want to help clear this subject up by providing you with some of the most common indicators you should know about. The sooner you schedule service after you pick up on one of these signs the better for you and your heater!

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