Posts Tagged ‘Air Conditioning Repair’

4 Reasons to Plan Ahead and Schedule AC Maintenance

Monday, May 6th, 2024

Have you scheduled AC maintenance yet this year? If not, you should consider scheduling your AC maintenance appointment now. It’s so easy to put off AC maintenance in Portland and think that you can just do it later. 

But we encourage you to go ahead and prioritize this service while you are thinking about it. You can also keep reading to learn more about why it is important to schedule AC maintenance proactively instead of waiting for something to go wrong inside of your air conditioner.


How Having Your AC Maintained Benefitted You This Summer

Monday, August 28th, 2023

If you invested in air conditioning maintenance last year, you may be wondering what you got out of it. After all, your air conditioner probably worked great without any hiccups. Do you really need to invest in AC maintenance if nothing is wrong?

Scheduling AC maintenance in Beavercreek, OR consistently every single year is the best way to take care of your unit. If you haven’t scheduled your service yet for this year, give us a call today. You can also keep reading to learn more about the benefits you experienced this summer from investing in AC maintenance for all of the previous years.


5 Signs Your AC is Hurting

Monday, May 22nd, 2023

Sometimes, your air conditioner works great. Other times, it is on the verge of a breakdown. But there’s also a middle area where your AC may not be working as well as it should but is still functioning. It’s during this time that you want to pay attention to signs of problems and identify them so you can get them fixed before you do reach a complete system breakdown.

If you notice any of the five signs below, it’s time to schedule an appointment for air conditioning repair in Portland, OR. Our team of experts can troubleshoot any problem and offer tips for preventing it again in the future. Keep reading to learn more about how to identify when your AC has something wrong.


3 Signs Your AC Needs Repairs Quickly

Monday, August 1st, 2022

air-conditioning-repairNo problem in your air conditioner should ever be allowed to go unaddressed for long. If there is an issue in your system, leaving it will only allow it to escalate until it creates a full breakdown. With all that said, there are some repair needs that may be a bit more serious than others. These are the ones you want to make sure to address fast.

Be on the lookout for these issues and, if they pop up, reach out to get an air conditioning repair in Oregon City, OR as quickly as you can. Otherwise, you may find yourself in need of a system replacement far earlier than expected!


Call For Repairs When Your AC Leaks

Monday, August 2nd, 2021

blue-question-markYou walk into a room and you see a small puddle on the floor. Understandably you’re concerned. You are about to reach out to a plumber when it dawns on you that it seems like your air conditioner is the thing that is leaking, rather than the plumbing. You didn’t even know the system could leak.

You may be wondering to yourself, “How in the world does my air conditioner leak?” It is a good question, and we have several answers to it. We also have the solution to the leak itself, depending on what is causing it. Let’s explore what might be leading to a leaky AC so do you understand why prompt repairs are a must.


Everything You Need to Know About Your Air Filter

Monday, September 3rd, 2018

man-holding-air-filterThe most overlooked and underappreciated part of your HVAC system is none other than… the air filter! The air filter is the silent defender in your HVAC system, blocking out dust and dirt and contaminants from causing a mess of problems for your system. In this post, we’ll go over everything you need to know about air filter types, how to change it, and what happens when you don’t change it.


Signs You Need Air Conditioning Repair

Monday, April 16th, 2018

air-conditioning-repairWith summer on the way, you’re going to be using your air conditioner more and more often in the coming weeks until you’re running it all day every day. Air conditioning repair issues have a way of sneaking up on you if you let them.

The good news is that many air conditioners display signs of trouble before they break down. Here’s always the chance of something unexpected happening, of course, but if you can spot the symptoms of trouble early enough, you might be able to stop a big problem while it’s still small. Now is the perfect time of year to plan such an operation: when the weather is still relatively cool and you have time to schedule the repairs at your leisure. (more…)

Upgrade Your Air Conditioning System Before Summer Hits

Monday, April 2nd, 2018

air-conditioning-fansSpring is here, and summer will be along before you know it. Prudent homeowners will give their air conditioning systems a close look sometime this spring. It will help your unit function more effectively, and cut into those high summer bills.

If you have something more radical in mind, you might look into an upgrade or two to your system. These are options that can lower your energy bills, allow more precise cooling power and generally make your home more comfortable. If that sounds like something your home could use, now is the time to talk about an installation. (more…)

3 Things to Look for with Central Air Conditioning Services

Monday, November 13th, 2017

air-conditioning-repairWe’re finally done with our air conditioners for the next few months, as cold weather settles in and homeowners start to use their heaters more and more often. Now actually makes the ideal time to schedule air conditioning service to correct any problems your AC may have experienced over the course of the summer, and ensure that it’s ready to go by the time next spring rolls around.  It’s also a good time to get your system maintained: ensuring that it functions at peak efficiency and catching little problems before they turn into big ones. And if you need to new system to replace an old failing one you have months to plan and prepare for it before contacting a technician and discussing your options.) (more…)

Air Conditioning Services Include Maintenance

Monday, October 30th, 2017

air-conditioning-repairWe’ve come to the end of another long, hot summer, and homeowners are easing back on their air conditioning use in favor of their heating systems. Barring an unexpected heat wave, your air conditioning system isn’t likely to see much use between now and next spring. That makes this time of the year perfect to schedule a maintenance session for your system. It will help your air conditioner a great deal not only in dealing with any issues that cropped up this summer, but in making sure it’s ready for next summer. Any air conditioning service worth its salt will offer a regular maintenance program as well as repairs and replacement. (more…)