The Clean Air Act Blog: Archive for December, 2022

6 Sounds Your Furnace Shouldn’t Make

Monday, December 19th, 2022

How has your furnace been operating lately? Is the system working around the same as always, or has your furnace begun to exhibit some strange new quirks? If you have begun to have some concerns with the way your furnace is functioning, then we’d advise reaching out to a technician for assistance.

One of the indicators that you can be on the alert for is the development of new noises from your system. Different sounds that weren’t there before can be a sign of different issues. If you pick up on any of the following sounds, we’d say now is a great time to talk to our team about furnace repair in Portland, OR.

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How Dirty Ducts Mess With Your Comfort…And How to Solve the Problem

Monday, December 5th, 2022

No one enjoys spending time in a home that is dusty and dirty. The issue is you can try to keep your home clean, but if your ductwork is dirty, it may be working against you. The rooms you dust may have dusty air that is just mucking them up the instant you turn on your heater. That is a frustrating situation!

If you are battling with dusty air then it may mean it is time to have your ductwork checked. Our team can help to address the following problems and improve your comfort and air quality in the process.

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