The Clean Air Act Blog: Archive for January, 2018

3 Things to Look for in a Heating Repair Service

Monday, January 22nd, 2018

heating-repair-serviceJanuary is the worst time to experience a breakdown in your heating system, but it does happen. The weather is never as cold as it is in the winter, and a loss of heat could mean a health risk, as well as a loss of comfort, as your home could resemble an icebox in a matter of hours.

No one likes to think about having to call for a heating repair service, especially in the middle of a blizzard or cold front.  But sometimes it’s necessary, and when you need it, you want to make sure that the service you call is up for the job. There are a number of fine services in the area, and in the end only you can make the best move for your circumstances. There are, however a few things you should look for that can help ensure the service you call is the best one for the job.

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3 Benefits of HVAC Maintenance

Monday, January 8th, 2018

heating-system-servicingWinter is here, and while we haven’t been hit by freezing weather the way the East Coast was this weekend, we still get our share of cold nights and snow. You need your heating system to perform every day in order to keep your home comfortable, and it goes beyond that. During the coldest spells, a lack of a heater can pose health problems for your family, especially infants, the elderly, and those vulnerable to colds.

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