Archive for the ‘Indoor Air Quality’ Category

Would You Benefit From a Dehumidifier?

Monday, May 10th, 2021

Saunas are fantastic for the skin. They allow your pores to open up and get rid of any dirt and debris that is present, leaving you feeling fresh and clean and your skin glowing. The only problem is you don’t want the interior of your home to have that kind of environment. If you have high humidity levels in your house, you may end up comparing it to a sauna.

What are you supposed to do if you have humidity levels that are too high inside your home? It’s not like you can go through the house with a cloth and wipe the extra moisture out of the air.

These somewhat silly comparisons are of course to let you know that we have a solution to your home’s humidity issues. Read on to learn more.


The Perks of Adding an Air Purifier

Monday, April 12th, 2021

Indoor air quality is directly linked to your overall health. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, Americans spend around 90% of their time indoors. However, indoor air contains 2 to 5 times more pollutants than the air outside, creating the pressing need for their removal.

Air purifiers work well in removing these contaminants and pollutants, protecting your health and keeping respiratory issues at bay. Here are some of the perks of adding an air purifier in Portland to give a better understanding of its importance. (more…)

Get You Ducts Cleaned Before Switching On Your Heater

Monday, October 12th, 2020

duct-cleaningIt is finally the fall, which means that we are getting ready for cooler weather and fun activities like Halloween decorating. While you are getting your house ready and dusting off your cold-weather clothing, don’t forget to take your home comfort into account. The factors that provided great comfort to you this last summer may not be in such great condition this season. For example, your ductwork may have become much dirtier than it was in spring, to the point where it can hinder your comfort this season.

You want to keep your home comfortable and clean this season. To do that, you may want to include duct cleaning in Portland, OR as part of your maintenance services this year. Here is why maintenance and duct cleaning serves as a great preparatory combination for your home comfort.


How to Tell You Need an Air Purifier

Monday, August 31st, 2020

There are plenty of modern, well-built homes here in Portland. Many of these houses come with a great selling point: they are well-sealed, which means they operate far more efficiently than other homes might. This is great news for your monthly bills but not always the best for your indoor air quality.

Well-sealed homes don’t exchange much indoor and outdoor air, and while that makes it easier to control the internal temperature of the home, it also, unfortunately, means that a large variety of airborne particles are in your home to stay once they find a way in. Thankfully, we have solutions that can help you enjoy both the air quality and temperatures you need. In this case, we would recommend an air purifier in Portland, OR.


Dusty Ductwork Isn’t Good For Your Comfort

Monday, August 17th, 2020

ductcleaning-before-afterKeeping our houses clean is a task that we all have to work to do. Dusting countertops and furniture, sweeping, vacuuming, and other activities tackle the dirt and debris that we don’t want in our homes. This is going to be a much tougher challenge if you have to choose between having a comfortable house and a clean one.

If the air in your home seems too dusty to properly deal with, it may mean that your ductwork is working against you. Dirty ducts are going to hinder your indoor air quality and your home comfort unless you address them with our Portland duct cleaning.


Handling Radon in Your Home

Monday, March 2nd, 2020

radon-testing-graphicYou know your ducts are clean and your HVAC system is working nicely. The house is comfortable and you have been enjoying relaxing as winter slowly gives way to spring. We don’t want to ruin the mood, but we do want you to keep safe, so we want to ask you a question: with everything you’ve done for your home’s indoor air quality, did you check for the presence of radon?

If this sounds like a somewhat scary question, it’s because the idea of radon in your house isn’t good. This is a gas that can sneak in through your foundation or your water supply and become trapped within your home, creating pretty bad results over time.

If you are concerned about the potential presence of radon in your home, we can help by providing radon testing in Portland and, if needed, mitigation services as well. Read on to learn more about this issue.


3 Ways to Improve Your IAQ

Monday, February 17th, 2020


The modern home in Portland is nicely sealed up, allowing it to keep the conditioned air the HVAC system produces flowing inside the house rather than escaping outdoors. This, as you can imagine, has multiple benefits such as better heating power and energy savings. However, a sealed home does have downsides.

As you have probably guessed, with a well sealed home, there is little to no air flow in and out of the house. This is great for your comfort–mostly. The only reason it isn’t perfect is because people enjoy fresh air and, let’s be honest, after a while filtered air can feel too filtered.

Your comfort and your indoor air quality shouldn’t have to do battle. You should be able to enjoy both at once! So when your heating system is running but you feel like you are breathing stale air that makes you question if you’d rather stand outside and shiver, consider these tips to boost your indoor air quality instead of letting your comfort levels take the hit.


Duct Cleaning Can Help Keep You Comfortable

Monday, November 25th, 2019

Inside-an-Air-DuctWhen you run your heater during the cooler months here in Oregon, it is imaginable that you want warm air that is also clean and clear of most dust and debris. However, if you have a ductwork system that hasn’t been cleaned in a good long while, you may have trouble enjoying either warm air or clean air.

Thankfully, this can be addressed with duct cleaning in Beaverton, OR. These services are meant to make sure you get to enjoy a home with a comfortable temperature without having it be plagued by dust. If you aren’t sure whether or not you should opt for duct cleaning services, we may be able to help you.

We have provided some details about how this service helps keep your home clean and enhances your heaters energy efficiency as well.


I’ve Got Radon! What Do I Do?

Monday, September 16th, 2019

Whatever you do, don’t panic! Consumers buy homes all the time that end up having radon problems. If the story ended there, it would be all over the news and we’d have a catastrophe on our hands. The reality is that there are many solutions to this kind of problem in your home, and with proper testing and mitigation, you can be as radon-free as any other home in your neighborhood. Have you stopped panicking yet?

In this post, we’ll be going over some of the basics of radon. We’ll be discussing what it is, where it comes from, what we do to test for it, and most importantly, what to do if you find yourself with a bad radon problem. Dealing with radon gas isn’t as bad as you might think, but it’s not a walk in the park either. So, stay vigilant and take a few notes if you have to, and remember to call the professionals for radon mitigation in Portland, OR.

Let’s get right to it.


When Should My Home Be Tested for Radon?

Monday, August 19th, 2019

Do you live on the fourth floor of a building? No? Then you might want to pay attention. Radon is the number-one cause of lung cancer among non-smokers, according to the EPA, which is reason enough to be up to date on your radon testing. But how your home is built and how the radon mitigation is installed is what really dictates how susceptible you and your family are to the harmful effects of radon. Whether you just moved, your living patterns have changed, or you haven’t had a radon test in recent memory, it is always good to be vigilant and schedule a test as soon as possible.

The EPA is exact about both the detriment radon can have on your health and the circumstances in which you should run a radon test. Not only that, but when these tests show results, it can be a little terrifying. That’s why it is so important for you to be informed about radon testing and mitigation in Portland, OR, so you can decide what’s safest for you and your family. (more…)