Archive for the ‘Indoor Air Quality’ Category

All About Radon Testing and Mitigation

Monday, February 18th, 2019

radon-testingHeating and air conditioning is one half of HVAC. The other half is ventilation and indoor air quality. Simply controlling the temperature of the air is not enough to give you a complete portrait of home comfort.

Normally, you would fix your air quality issues by installing humidity controllers or air purifiers. These devices directly improve your comfort by balancing moisture in the air and by removing germs.

However, there is a very serious part of indoor air quality that often goes understated: radon exposure. If your home has unsafe levels of radon, you’ll want to have it addressed immediately.


Fall and Winter Are Great Times for Indoor Air Quality Services

Monday, November 12th, 2018

sick-woman-blowing-noseWith the arrival of the cold season, we have to keep our health in mind. Our body’s immune systems are compromised through this time, and you or your family members could become sick due to indoor air quality issues.

But does this mean that your indoor air quality is getting worse in the cold? Not quite. It could be that you’ve had these air issues all along, and they’re affecting you only now in this cold weather. If this sounds like you or one of your family members, then you can find great relief through maintaining a good indoor air quality.


Everything You Need to Know About Your Air Filter

Monday, September 3rd, 2018

man-holding-air-filterThe most overlooked and underappreciated part of your HVAC system is none other than… the air filter! The air filter is the silent defender in your HVAC system, blocking out dust and dirt and contaminants from causing a mess of problems for your system. In this post, we’ll go over everything you need to know about air filter types, how to change it, and what happens when you don’t change it.


Suffering From Allergies? Air Cleaning Can Help

Monday, July 9th, 2018

Sore twoman-allergieshroat, stuffy nose, itchy eyes, sneezing—is it allergy season already?

Living with allergies is simply the worst. Throw asthma in the mix and you’re looking at double trouble.

If you suffer from allergies, asthma, or both, the world outside is full of your enemies: pollen, dust mites, pet dander, and more.

Unfortunately, allergens also collect inside the home. Bad indoor air quality will allow these allergens to stick around longer than they need to, making your own home an allergy trigger.

We can’t control what happens outside, but we can do more to control what happens inside. In this post, we’ll go over how air cleaning can help relieve your allergies.


Portable Vs. Whole-House Dehumidifiers

Monday, June 25th, 2018

portable-dehumidifierA dehumidifier is an excellent supplement to your air conditioning in Beavercreek, OR. But when it comes down to it, many people ask the same question:

“Can’t I just get a portable dehumidifier instead of a whole-house one?”

Instead of trying to convince you one way or the other, we’ve listed several qualities of dehumidifiers and compared how each model performs.


What Is Radon and Why Is It Dangerous?

Monday, May 28th, 2018

radon-testingNo matter where you are, if you turn on a Geiger counter, you’re going to hear a steady but infrequent pattern of clicks. This is termed background radiation and is completely normal. It is what’s found in the environment and comes from natural sources like cosmic radiation and naturally occurring materials such as radium or radon.

Rocks such as limestone, granite, and shale degrade slowly over time, releasing naturally-occurring radiation such as radon. It’s when radon levels exceed norms that you have a problem that needs attention. (more…)

High Humidity Can Damage Your AC

Monday, July 24th, 2017

Summers in Oregon are invariably hot, but even worse than the high temperatures are high humidity levels that can turn our homes into steam baths. Air conditioners can deal with the problem somewhat, but they aren’t built to lower the humidity, only the temperature. Furthermore, high humidity can damage your AC as it tries to deal with the issue, as well as leaving your home muggy and uncomfortable in the extreme. That’s the bad news. The good news is that there’s an effective way to deal with it: whole-house dehumidifiers. (more…)

IAQ Products Help Make Your Home a Better Place to Live

Monday, June 12th, 2017

indoor-air-qualityEveryone knows how important air conditioning systems are in the heat of summer, and the necessity of furnaces or other types of heating system in the cold of winter. But as important as temperature is in determining your household comfort levels, it’s not the only factor you need to consider. Dust and dirt can wreak havoc with your family’s comfort and health as well, as can germs and mold which may grow in the quiet corners of your home.

Humidity levels are always a factor in Oregon too, with muggy air dominating in the summer and dry air arriving in the winter. All of these factors contribute to your household comfort levels, and unfortunately, a heating and air conditioning system just isn’t set up to accommodate them. (more…)

Install a Dehumidifier This Spring

Monday, March 6th, 2017

Snow has begun to turn to rain and before you know it, spring will be here again. With warmer temperatures comes a lot of wet weather, and humidity levels that can make your home feel like a swamp. Air conditioners can mitigate the problem somewhat, but it’s a very crude way to address the problem, and it places a lot of undue strain on the system. Far more effective is a dehumidifier: designed to remove the moisture throughout your house and provide a great deal of control in the process. Over time, it can extend the lifespan of your HVAC system and provide you with decades of reliable use in most cases. Here’s how it works. (more…)

Fight Winter Colds with UV Germicidal Lights

Monday, January 23rd, 2017

“UV germicidal lights” sounds like something out of a science fiction movie. In point of fact, however, it’s very real and can provide a huge boon to your home, especially here in the winter. It works to cleanse the air of biological contaminants such as cold bugs, germs, dust mites and mold spores, and it does so cheaply and efficiently to boot. If you’re looking for a way to combat those pesky winter colds here in Oregon City, OR, it might just be the secret weapon you need. (more…)