Posts Tagged ‘heater maintenance’

4 Reasons To Book Heater Maintenance Today

Monday, September 12th, 2022

We’ve had some insane heat lately but the temperatures are going to start cooling off again soon. And when they do, we all know how fast and far they can drop, sometimes even overnight. While you probably aren’t even wanting to think about your heater at the moment, we’d say now could be one of the best times to get a tune-up for this system.

Maintenance for any system made for heating in Portland, OR is an essential service to have performed each year. Whether you use a heat pump or a furnace, a tune-up can allow you to get the best performance out of your system.

But why book your appointment today? We’ll explain this and all of the benefits of yearly maintenance here.


Get You Ducts Cleaned Before Switching On Your Heater

Monday, October 12th, 2020

duct-cleaningIt is finally the fall, which means that we are getting ready for cooler weather and fun activities like Halloween decorating. While you are getting your house ready and dusting off your cold-weather clothing, don’t forget to take your home comfort into account. The factors that provided great comfort to you this last summer may not be in such great condition this season. For example, your ductwork may have become much dirtier than it was in spring, to the point where it can hinder your comfort this season.

You want to keep your home comfortable and clean this season. To do that, you may want to include duct cleaning in Portland, OR as part of your maintenance services this year. Here is why maintenance and duct cleaning serves as a great preparatory combination for your home comfort.


Furnace Maintenance Isn’t Just Another Chore

Monday, November 26th, 2018

furnace-maintenanceWhen most homeowners are told that their HVAC system needs maintenance, they usually file it away in a section of their mind where all the other “you should” things go. You should go to the dentist every 6 months. You should exercise three times a week for twenty to thirty minutes. You should not eat sugar. You get the idea…

We won’t act coy about it—we’re fully in support of the idea that every HVAC system needs routine, annual maintenance in Portland, OR. Not just to keep your running smoothly, but for you and your family’s safety. At the least, we’ll do our best to really show you how maintenance fits in the big picture of HVAC performance.
