Posts Tagged ‘air purifiers’

How to Tell You Need an Air Purifier

Monday, August 31st, 2020

There are plenty of modern, well-built homes here in Portland. Many of these houses come with a great selling point: they are well-sealed, which means they operate far more efficiently than other homes might. This is great news for your monthly bills but not always the best for your indoor air quality.

Well-sealed homes don’t exchange much indoor and outdoor air, and while that makes it easier to control the internal temperature of the home, it also, unfortunately, means that a large variety of airborne particles are in your home to stay once they find a way in. Thankfully, we have solutions that can help you enjoy both the air quality and temperatures you need. In this case, we would recommend an air purifier in Portland, OR.


Fall and Winter Are Great Times for Indoor Air Quality Services

Monday, November 12th, 2018

sick-woman-blowing-noseWith the arrival of the cold season, we have to keep our health in mind. Our body’s immune systems are compromised through this time, and you or your family members could become sick due to indoor air quality issues.

But does this mean that your indoor air quality is getting worse in the cold? Not quite. It could be that you’ve had these air issues all along, and they’re affecting you only now in this cold weather. If this sounds like you or one of your family members, then you can find great relief through maintaining a good indoor air quality.
