Posts Tagged ‘Furnace Services’

Don’t Ignore a Noisy Furnace

Monday, January 18th, 2021

We’ve all heard the horror stories of someone’s house going up in flames thanks to an old furnace becoming a fire risk. We want to give you some reassurance here. These instances involve systems that are in serious disrepair even need to just be replaced. Furnaces don’t just set things on fire out of nowhere. Gas-burning systems are built to be as safe as possible. They should remain safe to use too as long as you are on top of scheduling furnace service in Beaverton, OR.

You may be wondering what some of the earlier signs of furnace trouble are. How do you know when to schedule service long before things take a turn for the worse? Listen to your system! No, we don’t mean to try to get your furnace to talk. We mean listen to the sounds it makes when it runs.


The Gift of Saving on Your Heating Bill

Monday, December 23rd, 2019

family-comfortable-warmBeaverton is a beautiful area of Oregon. It is also currently pretty cold. And let’s be honest, even when temperatures aren’t at their coldest, we would all prefer to stay warm and cozy inside when it is pouring rain most of the day.

This is the time of year when we rely on our heaters the most. That also means that it is the season when our heating bills can start getting a pricier than we’d like. Thankfully, there are several ways that you can improve the warmth in your home and facilitate your furnace’s job.

The next time your go to turn on your furnace heater, you might try some of the following ways to help ease the job it has to do. These include: (more…)