The Difference Professional Installation Services Make

ac-technicianThere has been a lot going on in our area lately. If anything, it makes it easier to hunker down inside our homes and find new ways to entertain ourselves and our loved ones for extended periods of time. Netflix and Hulu can only offer so much: break out the backgammon and chess boards!

But we digress.

Spending extra time at home isn’t bad. But it can be uncomfortable without a reliable heater. Whatever your situation, if you are ready to get a good whole-home heater in your home, it is important to get this job knocked out sooner than later. It is also important to have a professional be the one to perform your heating installation in Portland, OR.

Professional Service Makes a Huge Difference

When it comes to installing a heating system in your home, whether it is a furnace or a heat pump, a professional technician should always be the one to do the job. While it can be tempting to see if you can save cash with amateur service, the reality is that this will end up costing you far more money in the long run.

Here are some of the benefits you’ll enjoy when you choose professional service for the installation of your heater:

Guaranteed Service

When you work with professional technicians, they are going to be able to offer you a service that is guaranteed to get the job done. This is because they know what they are doing for starters and also because they have the backing of the company. Each and every time you work with us, you’ll be guaranteed to have a job done properly without any back and forth.


Safety is always a priority with us. Our professionals are trained on how best to handle the installation of a variety of systems in a safe manner. This means no worries about a natural gas furnace with a leak or a heat pump air handler that isn’t properly attached to a wall. Our techs don’t leave before going over everything to ensure that your system is running safely and correctly.


You don’t want to get into trouble over a new heater installation, and we don’t blame you. This is yet another reason why professional service is so important: it’s legal! A professional technician has the licensing and training that allows them to legally install and service your home heater. This is, again, especially important when it comes to a natural gas furnace installation.


Last but not least, any time you come to a professional team like ours to get a new heater installed, we will be able to help you get the best system and service for the best price. Not only do we offer our own promotions, but we can also help you find rebates and discounts for your new system.

The team at The Clean Air Act has served residents in the Portland area since we opened our doors in 2000. We are known for our expert service and customer care.

Contact The Clean Air Act to schedule your installation.

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