Posts Tagged ‘Air Conditioning Repair’

Why Is Short Cycling a Problem?

Monday, May 18th, 2015

Short cycling refers to the tendency of your air conditioner to shut down after a brief running time, then turn back on again a brief while later. It can be caused by a number of factors, including low refrigerant, and malfunctioning components. In some cases, it’s not even a problem with the system, but simply that it’s too powerful for the space it needs to cool (which is one of the reasons why you should always have a new air conditioner properly sized for your house before you install it). On the surface, that might not seem like such a big deal, but in truth it’s a serious problem, and with summer on its way, Portland, OR, residents need to address a short cycling problem before the heat and humidity get too bad. (more…)

How Does Air Conditioning Work?

Monday, May 11th, 2015

Air conditioning is one of the most important comforts of modern life, and here in Portland, OR, it’s essential to handling the high humidity and periodic heat waves that accompany our summers. But despite its prominence in our lives, comparatively few people know how air conditioners do their jobs. Specifics vary by make and model of air conditioner, but the essentials remain unchanged. The more you know about your system, the more readily you can respond when the time comes for maintenance or repair. How does air conditioning work? We’ve provided a quick primer below. (more…)

How Can a Bad Capacitor Affect Your AC?

Friday, August 8th, 2014

Essential components of your air conditioning system (and most electro-mechanical machines) are the capacitors. A capacitor is used to store energy in an electrostatic field. Attached to motors, capacitors perform the job of stabilizing voltage and providing the necessary jolt to start the motor in the first place. In an air conditioner, capacitors are connected to the three main motors: the compressor motor, the blower motor, and the outdoor fan motor. Each of these has a separate capacitor to start it up (the start capacitor) and to keep it running (the run capacitor).

Failing capacitors are one of the common reasons for malfunctions in an AC. Thankfully, if you catch capacitor problems in time, repair technicians and easily swap them out for new ones without any serious effect to the AC. However, if bad capacitors are ignored, you may end up with a non-functioning air conditioning system right when you need one the most.

For urgent air conditioning repairs, call the experienced professionals at Clean Air Act. We have 24-hour emergency service for your convenience.

Troubles from bad capacitors

The most common problem that bad capacitors can cause is “hard starting.” This is when the compressor of an AC has difficulty starting up, stutters trying to turn on, and then shuts off a short while later. There are a number of different causes for hard starting (the worst of which is a compressor approaching the end of its life), but a bad start capacitor is one of the most common. It is not always easy to diagnose that a start capacitor is the problem. A technician will examine the capacitor to see if there is visible damage to it (splitting, bulging, leaking oil) and run electrical tests to make certain.

A motor connected to a run and start capacitor may still attempt to start if one or both of the capacitors has failed, and this will result in a motor that hums and will not remain running for long. If this continues, the motor will begin to grow hot and will eventually burn out, requiring that the entire motor be replaced. If you encounter this humming sound or motors that will not stay on, stop trying to use the air conditioner and call for repairs right away.

Before a capacitor fails, it may start begin to make a clicking noise. This will help alert you to the problem before either the compressor or the fans cease working.

In most cases of capacitor problems, such as damage or a loss of charge, the capacitor will need to be replaced. Leave this in the hands of professionals, who will find the right replacement unit and will handle removing the old one safely. (Oil leaking from a capacitor can be dangerous to touch.)

Call Clean Air Act for air conditioning repair service in Beaverton, OR that will take care of failed capacitors or any other problem that can endanger the cooling in your home.

Sounds That Can Indicate the Need for Repair for Your AC

Thursday, July 31st, 2014

Just as people sneeze when suffering from allergies or a cold, your air conditioner will also display some common sounds when it doesn’t feel well. However, deciphering what is and isn’t a “bad” sound can be hard for the untrained ear, especially when it comes to identifying the need for air conditioning repairs.

To help you identify sounds that can indicate a developing problem, our Clean Air Act technicians have put together a list of some of the most common “problematic” sounds:


Hissing can indicate a couple of serious things: the first is a refrigerant leak, and the second is an issue with your compressor. Refrigerant leaks can hiss because at certain parts during the cooling cycle, the refrigerant is under high pressure (you may also hear a bubbling sound with the hissing sound). If the hissing sound is coming from the compressor, you may have a leaky valve or the compressor itself may be malfunctioning. Both of these types of problems require timely professional repair.


If your AC makes a sound or sounds akin to sneakers in a dryer, there is a very good chance something has come loose and is banging around your system. Typical components that do this are bent/loose fan blades and loose motor mounts. Having components bump around your system is never a good thing as they can cause damage, so once you hear that noise, call an expert.


This is a very serious sound; if you hear it coming from your air conditioner, turn it off immediately and call your technician. Screeching sounds can indicate that the pressure inside your compressor is too high; a compressor under too much pressure can blow. Repairing compressors is not a DIY kind of job, especially when one is screeching. Instead, call a professional right away.

Making strange sounds is just one of the ways your air conditioner can tell you when something is wrong, so don’t ignore them. Most air conditioning problems do not repair themselves on their own, and the longer you let them go, the worse the problems can get. If you are hearing abnormal sounds coming from your air conditioner, call Clean Air Act now and let our trained experts help you with your air conditioning repair in Portland.

How Compressor Problems Affect Your Whole Air Conditioner

Friday, July 18th, 2014

The outside unit of your air conditioner houses some very important components of your system. Your air conditioner cools your home by absorbing the heat from inside and releasing it outside. The compressor and the condenser coil in the outside unit of your AC are vital for releasing the heat outdoors. If the compressor runs into problems it can seriously affect your entire AC system, and you may need air conditioning repair immediately.

The compressor is a vital component of your air conditioning system. During the evaporation stage of the refrigeration cycle, the refrigerant becomes a low pressure gas and absorbs heat from the air in your home. As the refrigerant moves to your outside unit, the compressor changes this low-pressure gas into a high pressure gas, so it can move into the condenser, release heat, and cycle back through the system again.

If your compressor isn’t working properly, your air conditioner may lose some cooling power or your system may have trouble starting up. If your compressor fails entirely, however, you will get no cooling power at all, and you may need major repairs or replacement.

There are many signs your compressor may be struggling. If you hear grinding noises in your outdoor unit, it may mean that something has interfered with the compressor or the compressor motor, such as a buildup of dirt, or that these parts need lubrication. However, grinding can also be a sign of wear and tear that indicates a need for replacement. Another sign that your compressor needs repair is hard starting.

You can prevent premature failure of your compressor with regular maintenance by an AC technician. Regular maintenance can help prevent compressor issues because a technician will lubricate the motor and clean parts that can cause your compressor to become worn. If your air conditioner is low on refrigerant, for example, your compressor may become damaged as it is designed to handle a certain refrigerant charge.

Compressor problems can be serious, but an AC technician may be able to repair the problem if found early. For air conditioning repair service in Beavercreek, OR, call Clean Air Act today

Why Is My Air Conditioner Making a Buzzing Noise?

Tuesday, July 8th, 2014

You’re used to the hum of your air conditioning welcoming you home on a warm summer day. But what happens when this familiar sound becomes overshadowed by something else? One common noise you may hear from your AC system is a loud buzzing sound coming from your outdoor unit. Don’t let this sound ruin your familiar summer soundtrack. If you hear any strange noises coming from your AC, turn off the unit and call a professional technician for air conditioning repair.


Here Are Some of the Reasons You May Hear a Buzzing Noise in Your AC Unit

Loose Parts

A buzzing sound may indicate loose or damaged parts within your system. Loose bearings, for example, may occasionally rub against one another. While this may not seem like a huge problem at first, it may cause other components of your system to suffer premature wear and leave you with a system that breaks down when you need it most.

Motor Issues

Your AC unit relies on motors to operate the compressor and the fans. If anything interferes with this motor, such as a bent blade, or a lack of lubrication, a buzzing noise may occur. A defective motor can eventually cause your fans to stop working, or it can lead to a faulty compressor that won’t properly cool your home. It’s imperative that motor issues are checked as soon as possible to avoid a malfunctioning system later on.

Other Electrical Problem

Buzzing may often indicate any number of electrical issues, such as a loose contactor for the capacitor in your system, which requires the expertise of a professional to diagnose. Never attempt to fix electrical components on your own; a technician is far more qualified to keep your home and air conditioning system safe during repairs.

That mysterious buzzing is never a friendly sound. When you encounter strange noises from your air conditioning unit in Portland, trust the professionals to locate the source of the problem and give you back that familiar AC hum. For air conditioning repair in Portland, call Clean Air Act today!

How Do Technicians Detect AC Refrigerant Leaks?

Friday, June 27th, 2014

Your AC works much like a refrigerator; it moves heat from the inside of your home to the outside. Refrigerant is vital to this process. As it cycles through the AC system, it changes from a liquid to a gas and back again. This allows the refrigerant to absorb the heat in your home and release it outside so that indoor blowers can circulate cool air.

If your system has a refrigerant leak, it will not be able to complete this cycle, which may result in reduced cooling or no cooling at all. While this may initially cause only a little discomfort, the leak could force the evaporator coils to freeze, which may eventually cause system failure. It’s important to remember that only an AC technician is qualified to handle refrigerant and check for leaks, which are usually not visible to the human eye alone.

A technician may detect refrigerant leaks either during a scheduled maintenance call or when you call for air conditioning repair. You should call for repair as soon as you experience problems with your system. However, sometimes the leak is small enough that you don’t immediately notice the signs. This is why you should consider scheduling maintenance to check for common AC problems such as refrigerant leaks. We recommend scheduling maintenance once a year to decrease the chances of a serious leak that halts your AC system.

One sign of leaking refrigerant that your technician will look for is frozen evaporator coils. However, this symptom is not enough to determine the source of the leak. Refrigerant moves through your AC system rapidly via a looped tubing system with hundreds of connectors to help join the various twists and turns. Sometimes, refrigerant works its way slowly out of one of these joints. In many cases, leaks can only be located with a specific refrigerant detector that pinpoints the location of the leak.

Refrigerant leaks can be caught early with regular maintenance checks by a qualified technician. If you suspect a leak, don’t wait to call for repairs. When you run into problems and need reliable Portland air conditioning repair service, call Clean Air Act today!

Troubles with the Motors in Your Air Conditioning System

Thursday, June 19th, 2014

Depending on your type of air conditioner, you will have at least one fan as part of your system. Each fan plays an important role, and if there is a malfunction or breakdown with the fan’s motor, your whole system can be affected. Motors are complex, so it is best to use a qualified technician from Clean Air Act, Inc. for your air conditioning repairs in Beavercreek, OR.

Why Use a Specialist?

The motors in your air conditioner need to operate at a certain capacity in order to do their job correctly. The motors have small, intricate parts, including a system of wires that make the motor run. In addition, the motor, like other parts of your air conditioner, is tied into your home’s electricity, so unless you have the training to both repair your motor and work with electricity, it’s better to use a trained professional for your fan motor repair.

What Can Go Wrong With The Motors?

Three separate motors can leave a lot of room for malfunction. Let’s start with the fan motors.

Fan Motors

The fans’ jobs in your air conditioner are to move air (air flow) and help with the heat release and cooling process in your system. When one of these fans malfunctions, it can affect the whole system.

Typical problems with fan motors include:

  • Wiring and other electrical issues
  • Burnout from stress
  • Breakage of the small components within the motor itself

Many times the fan motors can be repaired, but there is the possibility that the motor may need full replacement.

Compressor Motor

The compressor’s job is to take the cool refrigerant gas that enters from the evaporator and turn it into a hot, high-pressure gas that moves to the condenser. This is how your AC releases its heat.

Common problems that can occur with a compressor motor are:

  • Problems with pressurization due to issues within the compressor or from the intake valve
  • Electrical problems
  • Breakdown due to overheating
  • Issues with the run capacitor

The compressor is a complex component, and because it works under pressure, it is not a part that should be handled or repaired by an untrained person.

Motors Not Running? Give Us a Call

The best way to stay on top of potential motor repairs is to have bi-annual maintenance conducted on your air conditioning system. During regular maintenance appointments, your AC is thoroughly inspected and cleaned, including the components and wiring. If you suspect something may be off with one of your air conditioner’s motors, don’t ignore it – it could become a bigger issue than it has to be. Call Clean Air Act today and schedule air conditioning repair service in Beavercreek, OR.

Repairs That Will Make Your AC Run More Efficiently This Summer

Thursday, June 12th, 2014

Repairs aren’t just for when there is a total breakdown with your system; you can actually make repairs that can help prevent bigger problems from developing. We have seen this happen over and over again at Clean Air Act: a small issue gets ignored until it becomes a big problem that usually costs a lot more to fix. You can avoid serious problems by scheduling your air conditioning repairs quickly.

Common Repairs That Can Make Your AC Run Better

These are some of the more common repairs we have done for our Portland customers that have helped increase their energy efficiency:

Leaky Ductwork

Leaky ductwork can be responsible for up to 30% of total air loss in your air conditioning system. Ducts leak air due to holes, cracks, or poor connections. By having your ductwork inspected once a year, you can keep on top of any leaks that may have developed, and save money and energy at the same time.

Refrigerant Leaks

Refrigerant leaks can start off quite small – so small that their presence can be hard to detect. The one thing you can count on when it comes to refrigerant leaks is that they will become worse, so even if you can’t detect it, your air conditioning technician can. Refrigerant leaks can lead to reduced cooling power, icing on the coils, and possible breakdown, so it’s best to take care of a refrigerant leak sooner rather than later.

Damaged/Broken Fans

There are two fans in your air conditioning system: the condenser fan and the indoor blower. These fans help with the heat release and cooling process, as well as to keep air moving through your system. Typical fan problems can include:

  • Motor issues
  • Electrical issues
  • Broken or bent fan blades
  • Worn or broken fan belts

When one of the fans malfunctions for any reason, the cooling process and air flow will most likely become compromised, leading to repairs that can be large. As such, having your fans repaired can help save you money and discomfort by attending to them quickly.

Be More Efficient by Scheduling Professional AC Repairs

Attending to air conditioning repairs quickly helps your air conditioner to run better; it also prevents small problems from turning into large ones. The longevity of your air conditioner is tied to how well it runs during regular use; an air conditioner in need of repair is not one that runs well, so premature wear-and-tear can set in. Call Clean Air Act today to schedule air conditioning repairs in Portland, OR and let us help your AC be more efficient.

Causes of a Faulty Fan in Your Air Conditioning

Thursday, June 5th, 2014

A basic part of air conditioning operation is the fans. There are two fans in an AC: the indoor blower fan that sends air from the return vents past the evaporator coil (cooling the air) and then out into the ventilation system; and the outdoor fan that pulls in exterior air and exhausts heat. The fans are not only crucial for sending air through the vents, but for permitting heat exchange to occur.

If the fans in your air conditioner develop faults, you will need to have professionals look into their operation, diagnose the problem, and apply targeted repairs. This isn’t something you should attempt to do on your own. For the necessary air conditioning repairs in Gresham, OR that will take care of your fan problems, contact Clean Air Act any time of the day or night.

Reasons for fan faults

  • Failing capacitors: A fan that has trouble starting or remaining on may have problems due to the capacitor. Capacitors are the cylindrical components that transfer voltage from the electric system into the fan motors. If a capacitor begins to fail due to age or overstress, the fan will experience problems starting; usually you will hear an odd clicking noise as the fan attempts to start up. Call for repair technicians to replace the capacitors or install a “hard start kit” to solve the problem.
  • Bent fan blades: This is a common trouble for outdoor fans, which can sustain damage from rocks, gravel, sticks, and other debris that enter the outdoor cabinet. When fan blades suffer from damage that bend them, the blades will start to strike the edge of the fan casing, creating a terrible noise and spreading around the damage. When you hear loud mechanical noises coming from the cabinet, shut down the system and call for repairs immediately.
  • Fan motor failure: The fan motor can suffer from a number of electrical and mechanical issues. The most common is motor freeze from stress on the mechanical moving parts due to wear and tear or excess dirt. If there is too much stress on the motor, it could burnt out and fuse its wiring, in which case the motor must be replaced. Smaller issues that can stop the motor include broken relays and loose wiring, which are usually simple fixes for a repair technician.

Fan, motors, and capacitors are too complicated for non-professionals to handle, so don’t turn to amateurs or a DIY guide for the work: call Clean Air Act and let our training and expertise fix the fans that are threatening your cooling. For all your needs for air conditioning repair service in Gresham, OR, put your trust in us.