Posts Tagged ‘AC Replacement’

What to Do When You Need a New Air Conditioner

Monday, June 8th, 2020

air-conditioning-repairWhen your air conditioner is ready to retire, you should want to figure out the next step before you completely lose the ability to cool your house. While an air conditioner replacement in Portland isn’t going to be avoidable, there are two ways to go about handling this situation to deal with getting a new system in place.

We’ve described your options below so you can see how best to handle the situation so you can enjoy a comfortable, cool summer this year.


Choosing Between a Heat Pump and Central AC

Monday, April 27th, 2020

Spring is here and with how quickly time seems to pass summer is probably just around the corner. This means you are going to be starting to use your air conditioning system a lot more often. Of course, if you are going to be using your AC system, it means it is going to be important to have a working AC.

Think back to the end of last summer and ask yourself how well your system was operating. Was it doing well, or was it faltering a bit? Or was it barely functioning? If you are leaning on that third option, it means it is likely that you are going to be in the market for an AC replacement. If you are in need of a replacement system, it helps to know what your options are for your next AC.


The Steps to a Successful AC Replacement

Monday, April 29th, 2019

ac-techniciansSpring has barely just begun, but before you know it, summer will be right around the corner.

Before that time comes, we urge you to check in on your air conditioner and to see if everything is still working alright. Half a year without activity can cause an AC to develop some issues that you won’t want to worsen by forcing it to operate. For that, you can get a quick tune-up from an AC expert.

While you’re inspecting your AC, you’ll also want to consider if this year is finally the year that you’ll replace your air conditioner. After all, that maintenance check won’t do much good if your AC is already in the decline.

We’ll give you the complete rundown on AC replacement, including when it’s needed, how to find a better system, and what to expect from installation.


Here’s How to Tell Whether You Really Need a New AC

Monday, June 11th, 2018

air-conditioner-replacementYour AC unit is usually the most expensive mechanical system in your home. That’s why the thought of replacing it strikes fear into the hearts of most homeowners. Even in a moderate climate like Portland’s, however, the temperature will reach 100 degrees a few days every summer, and you don’t want to be without air conditioning. But how do you know you really do need a new AC? We’ll go over the three most important indicators below.   (more…)

Air Conditioning Repair Calls May Need to Replace Your System Instead

Monday, September 18th, 2017

air-conditioning-repairWe’ve officially arrived at the end of summer, with accompanying cooler weather and a reduced workload for your air conditioner. Older systems that have labored over the summer will finally see less use, which means that now is the perfect time to schedule a repair call to address any lingering problems that may have affected it over the summer. But what if repairs aren’t the best option? For older air conditioners, it might be a better idea to replace them instead rather than pay for repairs and force them through another hot season next year.  (more…)