Posts Tagged ‘pest control’

Pest Control

Wednesday, July 6th, 2011

Pests are a virtual inevitability in every home at some point, so it is important for every homeowner to know how to deal with that unwelcome stranger when it comes poking around.

Insects Be Gone

From ants to roaches, insects love to make themselves right at home. They invade in search of food, water, and habitable space, and they don’t care whether they are wanted or not. Here are some helpful hints to get rid of these multi-legged tenants.

Borax works just as well as a pest poison as more expensive commercial products. For roaches, sprinkle a bit in your cabinets. Make sure to take extra care that your dishes are free from the residue. Avoid areas where the borax could affect children or pets. Likewise, make a homemade ant trap by mixing equal parts sugar and borax in a jar with holes punched in the lid.

Ants are also repelled by the calcium carbonate found in common chalk. Draw a chalk line around any visible ant holes to keep them trapped inside. Keep termites away by keeping your yard free of wood debris and standing water. Fix any leaks immediately and clear out any thick growth close to the house.

Furrier Pests

Insects are not the only pests to be concerned with, as sometimes intruders come in a larger, furrier form. Mice and other small rodents are fairly common inhabitants, as well as the occasional garbage-scavenging raccoon.

The best way to keep animals from invading your home is to keep potential entry holes sealed. For a temporary fix, try stuffing small holes with steel wool and covering larger ones with wire mesh. Eventually, however, you should have all holes permanently filled by an exterminator or a contractor who is familiar with the strategies needed to stop these unwanted invaders.

In general, it’s best to avoid poisons that put your family or pets at risk. Not only do poisons create a dangerous environment, they often result in dead pests in your walls or under your floorboards where they are hard to remove. Traps are always best so you know where the rodents are at all times.

If you have tried these tricks to no avail, or you have a serious infestation problem, don’t be a hero. Call a professional and have the whole home treated so you can rest easy.