The air filter in your air conditioner helps significantly reduce the amount of dirt and dust that enters your system. When dirt and dust build up inside your air conditioning it can cause a number of problems; this is why it’s important to have a clean, effective air filter in your system during operation. When the air filter becomes dirty and/or clogged, it can cause problems, which is why the air filter needs to be changed regularly. If you need assistance with your air filter, call Clean Air Act and schedule AC service in Portland, OR with one of our specialists.
Problems Caused by Dirty Air Filters
Dirty air filters are easy enough to change, but because they aren’t visible, they can be easy to forget about. However, the effects a dirty or clogged air filter can have on your air conditioner aren’t so easily forgettable. Typical problems that can develop from keeping a dirty air filter in your air conditioner can include:
- Restricted air flow
- Decreased indoor air quality
- More dust and dirt build-up throughout your system
Restricted Air Flow
There are several problems that can develop from restricted air flow. First, you may see a significant decrease in the amount of cool air being delivered into your home. This is because the volume of air has been reduced. Second, restricted air flow can cause problems with the heat release/cooling process in your air conditioner; this can result in warm air blowing into your home, or the development of ice on the evaporator coils. Third, restricted air flow forces your system to work harder. This can lead to overheating, malfunction, breakdown and premature aging.
Decreased Indoor Air Quality
When the air filter in your air conditioner becomes clogged, it can no longer trap the particles it needs to. As such, particles like dirt and dust will bypass the air filter and enter directly into your system. Once in the system, these particles become part of the air flow and are delivered directly into your living spaces.
Excess Dust and Dirt Build-Up
Seguing from above, loose particles will also go elsewhere in your system: the ductwork, both sets of coils and anywhere else it can settle. Significant buildup in your ductwork can add to air flow restriction and decreased indoor air quality, and dirt and dust on the coils acts as an insulator, and can further compromise the heat release/cooling process.
It is recommended that your air filter be changed every 3 months. If you have questions about your air filter, call Clean Air Act today and schedule an appointment today.
Tags: Air Conditioning, Portland
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