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The Clean Air Act Blog

Answering Your Questions: Do You Need AC Repairs?

It may not seem like there will be a break in the high heat we’ve been experiencing around here, but the end is coming. And with the end of the heat, the fall season is going to kick off with more reasonable temperatures … and possibly some pumpkin-flavored goodies. We might even be able to enjoy some days without the air conditioner on!

Speaking of your air conditioner, we want to make sure that your system is still in good shape. While cooler temperatures may be on their way, it doesn’t mean that you should let your AC struggle. If you need an AC repair in Portland, OR, we can help you get the job done. All you have to do is reach out to us.

If something is wrong with your air conditioner, you don’t want to delay getting it taken care of. Trust us, waiting until next summer to get the repairs done will lead to additional, and likely more expensive, issues. Be on the lookout for any of these indicators that your air conditioner needs professional repairs before you shut it down for the year.

5 Signs to Alert You That You Need AC Repairs

  1. The unit is making odd noises. Your air conditioner is going to make a little noise when it operates, such as the whoosh of air or a brief amount of clicking at the beginning or end of the cycle. Beyond this though, other sounds are cause for concern. This includes rattling, clanking, hissing, continuous clicking, or buzzing.
  2. The system isn’t cooling your house properly. Have you noticed hot spots throughout your home? If so, it is likely that there is a problem with your air conditioner that needs to be repaired.
  3. Your energy bills are on the rise. Your energy bills are going to reflect how hard your AC system is operating. While some increase in your bills is normal when compared to the times of the year when you aren’t running your AC, large spikes in the monthly dues are a sign of trouble.
  4. You notice your AC is short cycling. Your air conditioner’s cooling cycle is going to average about 15 minutes. If your AC unit is shutting off before it can complete its regular cooling cycles though, it means that it is short cycling, which is harmful to your AC and your comfort.
  5. Your system is blowing warm air. When you run your air conditioner, you are looking to cool things off, not heat them up. If your system is blowing warm air around your home instead of cool air, it means there is a problem that requires repair.

If your air conditioning system is struggling, the sooner you reach out to us for professional repairs the better off you will be. We are happy to diagnose and provide the repairs that you need to keep you cool.

Please call Sydni, our Office Extraordinaire, to schedule your next appointment! We will take care of you from there! The Clean Air Act is here for your AC repair needs.

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